So What is "The Butterflies of Memory"?

Butterflies of Memory is a temporary public sculpture on the site of the collapsed Smallpox Hospital Ruins on Roosevelt Island in Manhattan. Seventeen giant yellow butterflies, each ten feet in diameter, will fly between 18 and 36 feet above the Ruins, visually carrying off the building. Installed in the summer of 2012, "Butterflies of Memory" will be viewable from Roosevelt Island, the Midtown Waterfront and the FDR highway, thus bringing an image of inspiration and beauty to over two million New Yorkers.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Prepping for Big Meetings

I am re-reading the structural plans and going over numbers. I am prepping for a January 11 meeting with RIOC, an important one as I will be formally presenting the structural plans. Maria will be speaking about the project and how she is guiding it and Weidlinger will be giving a power point on its structure and numbers and how it not only preserves but potentially strengthens the ruins.

I am struck by the size, specifically the weight of the project. The whole piece weighs around 32,000 pounds. That's sixteen tons. I am struck by the reality of that and when I mention it nervously, my sweetheart transforms it into elephants to make it more manageable. A male African Elephant can weigh up to 15,000 pounds, therefore my piece is like two big elephants. Well two elephants and a giraffe, nothing scary about that... I love elephants.

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